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Edward de Moth

Moth Manor

Moth Manor, currently occupied by Lord Edward de Moth, was made famous as the site of the Battle of Moth Hill during the English Civil War. The fleeing King was put under the protection of the Lord of the Manor who provided an armed escort through the county of Shropshire (known at the time as Salop). Moth Manor suffered extensive damage following the Battle of Shrewsbury which took place nearby and parts of the Manor were never rebuilt. The original Moth Manor reportedly featured 19 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms and a banquet hall large enough to accommodate 140 people.  Lord De Moth was recently appointed as the British Trade Ambassador to Niue and Norfolk Island.  Lord De Moth’s personal income for the financial year 2001-2002 was approximately 12,000% of the gross domestic product of both islands combined. Lord De Moth has sought to capitalise on his new position on the islands by purchasing 73% of the Niue islands and has made a number of strategic acquisitions on Norfolk Island.  Lord De Moth has made two official state visits to the islands since his appointment in June 2003. When he visited Niue for the first time in October 2003, his personal entourage of servants and mistresses that follow him everywhere more than doubled the population of the islands which normally have a population of 47.  Lord De Moth has negotiated a deal with Playboy TV to bring Niue their first television service and his mobile telephone company, Mothtel, is currently installing a mobile telephone network across both sets of islands. Lord Edward has not been seen in public since his alleged affair with Dame Barbara Cartland.